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28 September 2013

【Gmail】 Manual Setup on Android Stock Email App

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

You can retrieve your Gmail messages with a client or device that supports IMAP, like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail.

Enable IMAP in your Gmail settings
  1. Sign in to Gmail.
  2. Click the gear icon  in the upper right, then select Settings.
  3. Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
  4. Select Enable IMAP.
  5. Click Save Changes.
Note: This setting is not available while using the basic HTML view of Gmail. To enable IMAP, use the standard view instead. Find out more about standard view and basic HTML view.

Configure the “Email” app on an Android device
To configure the “Email” app on an Android device for access to Google Apps email, just follow the steps below:
  1. On your phone, press < Home >, then open the Email application.
  2. On the “Your accounts” page, select Next to get started with setup.
  3. Enter your full Google Apps email address and password, then select Next.
  4. Select IMAP account and then select Next.

    *On the “Incoming server settings” page, some fields may be pre-populated. Make sure to change the following:
  5. For “Username”, enter your full Google Apps email address
  6. For “IMAP server”, enter “
  7. For “Port”, enter “993
  8. For “Security type”, select “SSL (always)'”
  9. Select Next.

    *On the “Outgoing server settings” page, some fields may be pre-populated. Make sure to change the following:
  10. For “SMTP server”, enter “
  11. For “Port”, enter “465
  12. For “Security type”, select “SSL (always)
  13. Select Next and continue through the setup options.
And you're done. You can verify your settings from the Inbox view by tapping < Menu > > Account settings.

Incoming settings
IMAP server:
Port: 993
Security type: SSL (always)

Outgoing settings
SMTP server:
Port: 465
Security type: SSL (always)

Push Email or Exchange Server

It is really extremely easy. This is the step-by-step process:
  1. Go to phone Settings.
  2. Go to Accounts and Sync.
  3. Select Add Account.
  4. On the screen that shows up, select Email.
  5. On the next screen write your email account (e.g. and your password.
  6. Click on Manual Setup (DO NOT CLICK ON NEXT).
  7. On the next screen choose Microsoft Exchange Active Sync or Exchange (yes, this is the correct one, do not be surprized!).
  8. On the field Domain\username, make sure that you have your complete email address, preceded by a “ \ ” (e.g. \
  9. Your password should also be entered (it is done automatically, but if it is not, add it yourself).
  10. In the field Exchange Server use (check with other email providers what you shoud use - I use a gmail based email service (gmail apps) so I can not help you here, but I am sure that it is easy to find out).
  11. Check Use Secure Connection (SSL), and uncheck Use Client Certificate or Accept all SSL certificates.
  12. Click Next and OK if an information box pops up.
  13. Change the Account options as desired and click Next.
You are all set. It works like a charm for Gmail accounts, you should make sure it works also for other services / email providers.

Good luck!


08 September 2013



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