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26 December 2012

《一个道地槟城人的心声 2012 》

两年前,在嘉礼论坛写了篇 “一个道地槟城人的心声” , 结果这篇短文,竟然传到了很多网页论坛去, 就是在面子书也出现, 得到很多网友的认同。 两年后的今天,看到的,已经是另一片光景,因此再写这一篇 “ 一个道地槟城人的心声2012 " 。

身为槟城人,如果问我,满意目前的政府吗? 答案是, 和以前的政府相比,相差得太多了,真的没有想到会变得那么好,尤其是环保方面。 之前我和一位朋友谈起槟城的进步,他说,只是听讲罢了,都没有看到实际行动 。。。。突然间,我发现,原来很多东西改善了,但还是有些人没有察觉到的。比如说 ~

2011 年的雨量,比往年多了很多, 反常的天气,原本应该炎热的季节,都是豪雨绵绵, 就是新年期间都会下大雨,但很多逢豪雨成灾的地区,都没有淹到水。

308 前,如果你是槟威大桥使用者,每当你打开车窗付 Tol 费时,风中传来的,是一阵刺鼻的化学药物味道。 当时我真的常会想, 在那里工作的人,以后中肺癌的机率一定是比一般人来得高 。。。。。 但今天,那股化学刺鼻味道已经没有了 ~

这两样改变,我的朋友听了,恍然醒觉, 也开始越想越认同我。原来槟城的确是变好了很多,只是很多事情,除非有灾难, 不然很多人都不会刻意去发觉。

不错,槟城政府这四年来是不停的交上了好成绩,如 2011 年宣布槟城为外资冠全马的州属,被 Yahoo 旅游选出为“ 死前須要去一次的“世界十大岛屿” 。 还有槟州首长林冠英不久前宣布的,槟城创下全国减债幅度最高记录,在短短三年半内减少高达6亿零47万元的债务削减表现,或相当于95%的州债务 。。。。。。 等这类新闻,不错是让槟城人感觉到骄傲, 感到他们没有选错政府,但对于一般槟城人来说,最重要的,还是自己的生活是否已经获得改善。

老妈子说巴杀变到亮洁了很多, 就是小贩中心,和 308 前相比, 也干净, 漂亮了很多。 而对我这个做生意的来说,唯一不好就是员工难请了很多。 308 前在报纸上打个《聘请员工》的广告,打电话来要求面试的,一天至少有十多通,去年我打同样的广告,结果才两通电话来询问,在这种情况下,变成了做老板的没有了什么选择,一面试,认为能适用的就马上请了。遇上了好的员工,也不会吝啬起薪。

周日骑脚车运动的健儿越来越多,那些还没有脚踏车的朋友,也开始蠢蠢欲动要去找辆来加入整列。 治安方面, 没有投诉 。。。。。。。。 真的没有投诉,从之前的治安改善至今,槟城人都在享受着挺满意的治安, 再看到柔佛那里不停的劫杀案,更是感恩自己的处境。

槟城政府在308后就开始执行的利民政策,如今还是维持着,而且还加了奖励金给州内的优秀生,另外加福利给那些需要的帮助贫穷家庭。 林冠英也刚宣布将开展近80亿令吉的道路建设计划, 以改善槟岛的塞车问题。

槟城的议员个个都有面子书户口,要找到他们其实都不困难。 而他们也常会在自己的面子书网页报告他们的工作。 前一阵子,在面子书上看到 大山脚议员 YB章英在自己的面子书上, 报导到她刚帮一家刚刚失去丈夫, 且有7 位介于 2 岁到13 岁的女儿的印度妇女。 这位印度遗孀虽然已经成功申请到国家每个月 RM300 的津贴,但那里有可能足够?张英一团人虽然已经再提供她每个月多 RM300, 而且帮忙找些能带回家做的工给她, 但就是 RM600 一个月,也不可能够糊口啊。由于那遗孀的地址离我家不远,于是我从章英处得到了联络号码,买了日常用平, 亲自拜访一趟。

到达她的住所,发现情况不是我想象中的 “家徒四壁, 空无一物” 那样糟,但往后的生活真的是个很大的问题。孩子年级都还那么小,该遗孀根本不可能出外找工作。我将我买的一切用品交给他,我的孩子也分割了他们玩具过去。 我告诉她,多艰苦都需要熬过, 她也忍泪的回答说, 她想不到, 她的处境,得到了很多人的关怀,一些人送钱,一些人送干粮。 这也是我感到欣慰的, 我也会每个月都拿点钱过去。 如此可见,有做工的代议士,小事大事都好,都能带给一些需要帮助的人,很大的改变。

但最让槟城人最受益的, 是槟城民主制度的改善。今天槟城大街小巷的问题, 即使是皮毛罢了,如果当地的代议士在被告知后不出面处理,他马上会被捧 “上报” , 红透整个槟城,而槟城的反对党更不会错失机会帮他将此名气 “发扬光大” 。

槟城 Mainland (既是北海,威南 )的发展也令人感到相当满意, 超市,夜生活区, 样样齐全, 再加上没有塞车和地价便宜,已经是个很舒适的居住地带。 之前反对党一直攻击说槟城的成就,影响到槟岛的屋价被炒高,很多人都无法拥有自己的房子等之类的话时, 应该是没有想到,Mainland 也是属于槟城的吧。

308 至今,槟城由国家反对党执政已经步入第 4 年光景, 其成绩是相当令人满意。 我在 《一个道地槟城人的心声》有说过,林冠英的出现,常受到如张学友那般的偶像待遇,而这种待遇,到了今天还是一样 。 由此可见,满意林冠英的表现的槟城人何其多。在全国州属里,槟城人在对待执政者是最无情的,因为槟城人大致上都会比较关心国家政治状态,也懂得民主制度的操作,你好,你就获得槟城人的支持,你不好,就将你打包掉。 也庆幸大家都有这样的思想,才有今天的改变。 

by Mey Lim


21 December 2012

[寵物資訊] 小狗不可食用的食物




巧克力及咖啡 (可致狗命)

葡萄及葡萄乾 (可致狗命)

洋蔥 (危險)
含有大量的二硫化物(Disulfide)能夠破壞狗狗的紅血球細肥,引發溶血性貧血(Hemolytic anemia)。中毒的徵狀包括:體重減輕、出現血尿的現象、嘔吐、腹瀉、脈搏呼吸急促、疲倦、全身乏力、脈搏急速、虛弱、腸胃炎、牙齦及嘴部出現薄膜狀的分泌物。蒜頭雖然也含有毒的Thiosulphate,但由於毒素比洋蔥小很多,只有吃大量才會有害。

發芽的馬鈴薯 (危險)

不新鮮的動物內臟 (危險)

酒精類飲品 (危險)
酒精含有乙醇,狗狗飲後會引致中毒。中酒精毒徵狀包括、步伐蹣跚 行為改變、緊張、情緒低落、尿量增加及呼吸率減慢等。

蘋果、杏、車厘子、蜜桃、梅子的”果核、果柄及葉子” (不建議)

蝦、蟹、墨魚、章魚、海蜇、貝類、等海鮮貝類 (不建議)

雞骨、魚骨、烹煮過的骨頭 (危險)

過量的肝臟 (危險)

牛奶 (不建議)

菇類 (不建議 - 致命)

甜味及高糖分的食物 (不建議)

鹽份過多的食物 (不建議)
狗兒需要攝取適當的鹽(sodium chloride)以維持其生理機能,鹽對於體內水份的平衡是很重要的。基本上從狗糧中已經能吸取足夠的鹽份,如長期攝入過量的鹽,不單會影響血壓,更會加重腎排泄的負擔,嚴重影響腎臟的健康。

油膩及高脂肪的食物 (不建議)

發霉或過期的食物 (可致狗命)

辛辣的食物及調味料 (不建議)

冰冷或過熱的食物 (危險)

酪梨(極重要) (危險)

黏喉的食物 (不建議 - 致命)

零食(蛋糕、餅乾、冰淇淋、洋芋片、紅豆餅等) (不建議)

不好消化的東西(冰牛奶、魚的紅肉、生花枝、章魚、螃蟹、蝦子等) (不建議)

生蛋的蛋白 (危險)

蔥類(長蔥、洋蔥、韭菜、紅蔥頭、辣韭、細青蔥等) (危險)

可能會傷害消化器官的食物 (危險)


06 December 2012

[ROOT] / [UNROOT] / [CWM] / [UNLOCK] Samsung GALAXY Y S5360

  1. Download needed file (
  2. Copy ZIP file ( to your SD-card
  3.  Turn off your phone
  4. Switch ON your device in the recovery Mode (Hold Volume Up, Home Key, Power Button, together).
    **Note: You will find your phone in recovery mode with blue coloured UI. You cannot use touchscreen while your phone is in recovery mode.
    For making selections and movements, you have to make use of volume up/down keys and make the selection by pressing home key. 
  5. Select update from SD Card option.
  6. You will see that the list of files will come from which you will have to select the file which is named as Press YES.
  7. Wait a few minutes
  8. And Your Galaxy Y S5360 is now rooted!
  9. You now have SUPERUSER Installed! , it will simply mean that you have rooted your phone!
  10. Download and Install BUSYBOX.

# # # # # # # # # #

UNROOT Your Galaxy Y
  1. download
  2. Same Procedure. just choose and flash

# # # # # # # # # #

How to install ClockWorkMod?
  1. Root Your Phone
  2. Download ClockWorkMod ZIP
  3. Go To Stock Recovery Mode
  4. Hold Volume Up + Home (Button) + Power
  5. Once you're in recovery mode. Select install zip from Sd card
  6. Select and Flash.

# # # # # # # # # #

>Rooted Phone
>ClockWorkMod Installed.
  1. Go to CWM Recovery 
  2. Once you're in recovery mode. Select install zip from Sd card
  3. Select

# # # # # # # # # #

File Type: - (175.5 KB)
File Type: - (1.31 MB)
File Type: apkBusyBox_Pro_9.1.apk - (5.66 MB)
File Type: - (101.5 KB)
File Type: - (2.16 MB)


30 November 2012

Some Internet Browser Plug-ins Offline Direct Link

Adobe Flash Player Distribution

Thank you for your interest in Adobe Flash Player.

IMPORTANT: Please review the system requirements for detailed information on supported operating systems, browsers, and languages before downloading and installing this software.

In order to distribute Adobe Flash Player you need to have a valid Adobe Flash Player Distribution License Agreement in place. Click here for details.

On this page you will find information about your license and the Flash Player installation packages for your use. Use the installers to distribute Flash Player to your end-users.

Your license term is one (1) year from the date you accepted the agreement. You must apply for a new license before the end of that term should you wish to renew. You will receive a reminder email at the address you provided 30 day prior to the expiration.


Adobe Reader Distribution

Thank you for your interest in Adobe® Reader® — free software that lets you view, print, search, and share Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files more securely using a variety of platforms and devices. Adobe Reader features a streamlined user interface, customizable tool bars and Acrobat Connect Video Conferencing. Additional features enabled by Adobe Acrobat® software let you share comments and digitally sign documents.

IMPORTANT: Please review the system requirements before downloading and installing Adobe Reader.


Oracle Java
Java Platform, Standard Edition

This releases address security concerns.  Oracle strongly recommends that all Java SE users upgrade to this release.

"What Java Do I Need?" You must have a copy of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) on your system to run Java applications and applets. To develop Java applications and applets, you need the JDK (Java Development Kit), which includes the JRE.


Google Chrome Plug-ins


Plug-ins help the browser process special types of web content, like Flash or Windows Media files.

On Windows, Mac or Linux? Chrome supports most popular plug-ins:


Adobe Flash Player plug-in

Adobe Flash Player is directly integrated with Google Chrome and enabled by default. Available updates for Adobe Flash Player are automatically included in Chrome system updates.

If you want to use Adobe Flash Player in other browsers, you’ll need to separately download the Adobe Flash Player for those browsers.

Enable or disable Adobe Flash Player

These instructions apply to Google Chrome on Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS.
  1. Type chrome:plugins in the address bar to open the Plug-ins page.
  2. On the Plug-ins page that appears, find the "Flash" listing.
    • To enable Adobe Flash Player, click the Enable link under its name.
    • To disable Adobe Flash Player completely, click the Disable link under its name.
Note: If you've previously installed Adobe Flash Player separately, you'll see two files listed for the plug-in. If both are listed as enabled, the version bundled with Chrome will be used. To enable a specific version of Adobe Flash Player, click Details in the upper-right corner of the page. Then click the Enable link for the version of Adobe Flash Player you want to enable. The table below shows the file name for the version that is integrated with Google Chrome.


Adobe PDF plug-in

By default, Chrome uses a built-in PDF viewer to open PDFs. If you've disabled the built-in PDF viewer, Chrome will use Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader to display PDFs. Follow the suggestions below if you're having trouble viewing PDFs within Chrome, using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

First check if the issue is specific to Chrome. Try opening PDFs in another browser on your computer, such as Firefox. If you experience similar problems viewing PDFs in another browser, the issue is likely not related to Chrome. Please visit the Adobe support site for additional help.


Adobe Shockwave plug-in

Shockwave Player lets you view interactive web content, such as games and videos, that are created with Adobe Director. Some websites requires the plug-in to properly display their content.

Install Shockwave - Windows instructions
  1. Download the Shockwave installer from Adobe.
  2. When the download is complete, click the installer in the downloads bar at the bottom of Chrome. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Adobe Shockwave.
  3. Windows User Account Control might appear and ask you for permission to install. If you don’t have administration privileges on the computer, please contact your system administrator to finish installation.
  4. Restart Chrome.


Java plug-in

Java is a programming language and a computing platform that is used by many web developers. Some websites require Java to display their content properly.

Install Java - Windows instructions
  1. Download Java for Windows
  2. Click Agree and Start Free Download to save the setup file to your computer.
  3. Click Save for the file in the downloads bar to confirm that you want to download the file. Don't worry - saving the file won't harm your computer. Learn more about downloading files in Google Chrome.
Open the setup file. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish installing Java.


Windows Media Player plug-in

If you allow websites to use plug-ins and the browser detects that you're missing a plug-in for a particular site, it'll prompt you to install the plug-in at the top of the web page. Here's more information about installing Windows Media Player plug-in. Learn more about managing plug-ins

Install Windows Media Player

If a page simply links to Windows media files (e.g. .asf or .asx files), you might not see a prompt to download the Windows Media Player plug-in. In that case, follow these instructions to get the plug-in:

Windows instructions
  1. Visit
  2. Click Download Now.
  3. Click Save for the file in the downloads bar to confirm that you want to download the file. Don't worry - saving the file won't harm your computer. Learn more about downloading files in Google Chrome.
  4. Open the setup file.
  5. Click Run to start the Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions in the wizard to finish installing the plug-in.
  6. Restart Google Chrome.


RealPlayer plug-in

RealPlayer is a media player from RealNetworks. The programme includes a browser plug-in that is required to play media content such as audio or video on some sites in Chrome.

Install Realplayer - Windows instructions
  1. Download the RealPlayer installer.
  2. When the download is complete, click the installer in the downloads bar at the bottom of Chrome.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install RealPlayer.
  4. Windows User Account Control might appear and ask you for permission to install. If you don’t have administrator privileges on the computer, please contact your system administrator to finish installation.
  5. The RealPlayer installer might prompt you to close Chrome. Click OK to finish the installation.


QuickTime Plug-in

QuickTime is a media player by Apple, Inc. The programme includes a browser plug-in that allows you to view audio and video content using QuickTime’s format. QuickTime is included on Mac computers and can be downloaded as a programme on Windows computers.

Install QuickTime Player for Windows

The plug-in is part of the QuickTime Player. In order to install the plug-in, you’ll need to install the player.
  1. Download the QuickTime installer from Apple’s website.
  2. When the download is complete, click the installer in the downloads bar at the bottom of Chrome.
  3. Locate the installer and double-click it to begin installation.
  4. Follow the prompt to finish installation.
  5. Windows User Account Control might appear and ask you for permission to install. If you don’t have administrator privileges on the computer, please contact your system administrator to finish installation.
  6. Restart Chrome.


Microsoft Silverlight plug-in

Silverlight is a plug-in powered by the .NET framework that lets you view certain types of rich media, such as high quality videos or interactive web apps, in your browser. Some websites requires the plug-in to properly display their content.

Install Silverlight - Windows instructions
  1. Download the Silverlight installer from Microsoft.
  2. When the download is complete, click the installer in the downloads bar at the bottom of Chrome.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Silverlight.
  4. Windows User Account Control might appear and ask you for permission to install. If you don’t have administration privileges on the computer, please contact your system administrator to finish installation.
  5. Select “Enable Microsoft Update” checkbox to make sure that the plug-in stays updated.


Google Chrome Frame plugin

Google Chrome lets web developers create web features based on technologies that are not yet available in some versions of Internet Explorer, such as rich text editing and faster Javascript execution. If you use Internet Explorer, you can still use it to view websites that contain such features by first downloading the Google Chrome Frame plug-in.

Install Google Chrome Frame

You'll need the following system requirements to use Google Chrome Frame:
  • Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8
  • 32- and 64-bit Windows XP, Window Vista or Windows 7
  • Minimum 512 MB of RAM (recommended)
  • Administrative rights

You can get Google Chrome Frame in two ways:
  • Whenever you visit a web page in Internet Explorer that utilises open web technologies, you may be prompted to download Google Chrome Frame. Follow the instructions on the site to install the plugin.
  • You can also download the plugin at any time by visiting

The plugin will be installed in the following locations:
  • 32-bit versions of Windows (XP, Vista, Win7): C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome Frame
  • 64-bit versions of Windows (Vista and Win7): C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome Frame



28 November 2012

汽車大道拋錨應聯絡PLUS Ronda

若車輛在南北大道中拋錨或故障,車主可撥打1800-88-0000免收費電話求助或使用高速公路緊急電話聯絡巡邏隊,屆時南北大道公司巡邏隊(PLUS Ronda)將趕到現場維持交通秩序,並將在有關轎車後方置放數個三角警示牌以警惕後方車主。








16 November 2012








3. 旋肩舒颈:

双手置两侧肩部,掌心向下,两臂先由后向前旋转 20—30次,再由前向后旋转20—30次。

4. 摇头晃脑:




6. 双手托天:



15 November 2012

3 Simple Steps To Fixing Your Computer Issues

Every day dozens of tech questions cross the desktops of editors and contributors on MakeUseOf Answers. Many of them are easy to answer and have actually been asked and solved previously. Looking at other Q&A forums, the same scenario unfolds.
It seems that many people don’t understand how to use the Internet. Or maybe they are overwhelmed by the amount of information presented. Or are they just plain lazy? Worse yet, I suspect there is a much, much larger number of users who never deal with issues in the first place. They simply accept error messages, slow computers, and broken hardware or software until their system breaks down completely. They do this, even though they have access to the Internet, where easy and free solutions are relatively easy to find.


One example. The other day I met a neighbor in the staircase. We chatted and she casually asked what my job was. I explained that I work for this website, managing a Q&A forum and writing articles about computer software and online tools. As soon as I had dropped the world ‘computer’, I had her full attention. She put on an impish grin and begged to ask a question. She went on to explain about her computer that didn’t turn on anymore, wondering what could be the cause. The thing is, I know she has WiFi and thus I suspect she has another Internet-enabled device she could use to search for help.
So I have been wondering what makes it so hard for people to look or ask for help and how to help them. This article is my answer. It’s for anyone with IT issues who isn’t currently dealing with them. It is a quick and easy instruction on how you can find help yourself or easily receive help. For free. The only requirement is that you have access to the Internet and use it. Anywhere.

1. Search Google

Yes, Google it ! Whatever your issue is, go and type your question into a search engine, for example Google, then see what comes up. With over 300 million websites out there, chances are someone posted the exact same problem on a forum, someone else solved it, and Google will find it for you. This is how MakeUseOf receives a lot of traffic every day.

If you don’t get a match immediately, try to reword your question and watch for what searches Google suggests. Here are some tips how to properly use Google search:

2. Ask Your Question On a Q&A Forum

So Google didn’t give you any satisfying results or you are overwhelmed with the amount of information. Don’t panic, that’s fine! That’s precisely the reason forums exist. You need step by step instructions from real people. And fortunately there are people who love to help and they are waiting for you to ask your question. Seriously!
First, find a Q&A forum that matches the topic of your question and post your question. Remember that the people you are asking don’t know anything about you or your situation. So provide them with all the information they may need. For example if you have an issue with a specific website, include the URL, any error messages and symptoms, the browser you are using to access the website, other browsers this issue does or doesn’t occur with, and what you have tried already to fix it. Yes, do mention that you have searched Google and couldn’t find a solution that made sense to you.
Here is a list of Q&A forums for technology and internet related questions:

3. Ask a Friend

If you are not able to fix the issue yourself because no one understands what you are talking about or because the suggested fixes are too complicated, ask a friend for their opinion or help. Before you do that, please read this article of mine, especially the conclusion!
I understand that it isn’t always easy to ask someone else for help. Let me tell you though, that people love the recognition they receive, when someone asks them for help. When you ask them for help, you do so because you think they have the skills to help you. In other words, you acknowledge their skills. This is an honor! So being asked for help is appreciated, as long as it is done with the right mindset, occasionally, and without abusing the helpfulness.
To make it even easier for someone else to help you, offer them ways to help you without having to visit your home. Obviously, this will only work if your computer is still running, if you have Internet, and if you are dealing with software issues, rather than hardware damage. There are many remote support tools you and your friend could use. One of them is Soluto, which we have written about here:


I didn’t offer to help my neighbor. When she asked her question, I could see myself crawling underneath her desk, pulling out a dusty old desktop PC, working on it for hours, ordering parts, re-installing Windows 98, and subsequently being her best ‘can you fix this‘ buddy forever. Honestly, that’s a nightmare. You don’t do that for strangers, you only do that for people you love!


14 November 2012

What Is The Easiest Version Of Linux To Learn?

With each day that passes, more and more people are giving Linux a try. It’s free and it can hold its ground against both Windows and Mac, so why not? And maybe you want to give it a try, too–but you keep hearing about how difficult Linux is, how it’s a “geek-only” operating system, etc. Thankfully, there are certain versions of Linux that will help ease you into the process.
But before you decide to switch to Linux, you should think about why you want to switch. If you just want something prettier than Windows, for example, then maybe Linux isn’t for you. Consider some of the key differences between Windows and Linux before switching. Similarly, when switching from Mac, think about your reasons for doing so.
If you’re still reading this, then that means you’re still considering the switch. Great! Let’s take a look at some of the easiest version of Linux that will make the switch as easy and painless as possible for you.

Ubuntu: The Most Popular

For those who have heard about Linux here and there but haven’t really looked into it much more than that, Ubuntu is often synonymous with Linux. And for newbies, why shouldn’t it be? Ubuntu is one of the largest, if not the largest, Linux distributions in the world. With that kind of size, Ubuntu brings to the table something that smaller distributions can’t: userbase.
With so many Ubuntu users out there, if you run into a problem while using Ubuntu, it’s almost a guarantee that someone else has run into that same problem. And with the abundance of community activity, you can ask for help and receive it almost immediately.
Another benefit of Ubuntu’s prevalence is that Linux developers almost have no choice but to support it. For the most part, any Linux program will run on Ubuntu.
But personally, I believe Ubuntu is the easiest Linux to learn because of WUBI, the Windows Ubuntu Installer. When you using WUBI, you can install a copy of Linux straight inside Windows which can be accessed through dual booting. If you don’t like it, you can uninstall it just like any other Windows program. In other words, zero risk.

Zorin OS: The Most Familiar

Zorin OS is a distribution of Linux built off of an Ubuntu foundation. But even though it has roots in Ubuntu, the developers have made some significant decisions that clearly differentiate Zorin OS. What is the driving philosophy behind Zorin OS? To offer an interface that closely resembles the Windows interface so that users from Windows will feel more comfortable.
Everything from the desktop layout to the start menu will look familiar to you. But as you grow more accustomed to the Linux environment, Zorin OS allows you to venture into different interfaces using its Look Changer feature. It also uses Nautilus Elementary over Nautilus–the Linux counterpart to Windows Explorer–because it’s tighter and cleaner.
For more information on Zorin OS, read our Zorin OS overview.

Linux Mint: The Most User-Friendly

Linux Mint is the second most popular Linux distribution, right behind Ubuntu. Interestingly enough, Linux Mint is actually built on top of Ubuntu. Though Ubuntu might have a larger audience, Linux Mint is often hailed as one of the most user-friendly distributions available.
What makes it so user-friendly? Unlike Ubuntu, which doesn’t come with many prepackaged goodies due to licensing issues, Linux Mint comes loaded with plenty of codecs, drivers, browser plugins, and more. This means that most programs will work right out of the box without needing to be tweaked or troubleshooted.
When I first started learning Linux, I actually started on Linux Mint. I’ve tried a few other distributions over the years but I still like Mint the best. Is it any wonder why DistroWatch has it ranked as the #1 Linux distribution?


I don’t mean to say that your Linux experience will be incredibly difficult if you don’t use one of the three distributions above. Similarly, I don’t mean to say that these three distributions will make your Linux experience full of flowers and happiness. All I’m saying is that these three distributions are known for being some of the easier ones on a relative scale.
With that said, I think you’ll have a lot of success switching over to Linux if you are prepared beforehand. Research as much as you can, as that will be the primary factor in determining how difficult a switch is.
And remember: if you don’t like Linux, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


13 November 2012

Why You Don’t Need Desktop Chat Clients Anymore

Remember the days of MSN Messenger and AIM? Those two were the first chat clients I ever used. Once I started using them more and more, it became cumbersome to switch between clients and contact windows. Soon after, multiple-chat clients came about, the popular ones being Miranda IM, Trillian, Pidgin and Digsby. They’re still available, but do you really use them? Or need them? I have Trillian installed on my computer and I honestly can’t remember the last time I opened it. It’s basically just been an unconscious decision to stop using it.
So what do you use instead? I’ve found myself gravitating towards online chat clients instead. Many of them are built into websites I’m using already, so why have an additional program running?

Your Browser Is Already Open

Likely when you’re on your computer, you have some sort of website open. It’s very unlikely that you aren’t using your browser for some purpose already, so why not combine it with communication too?
In addition to already using your browser, you’re probably already using one (if not more) of the websites which contain a chat client. You know, Gmail, Facebook,… need I list more? Those are pretty much the top three that we use to communicate with. There’s also Yahoo Mail, which also has its own messenger, but who really uses that anymore?

Save On Space & Resources

Along with your browser already being in use, you can save on space and resources on your computer by not running additional programs. For most computers this isn’t a major concern since they’re built to handle more resource-extensive applications now days. That said, every little thing adds up and it’s not a bad idea to still keep things to a minimum. Although I do like desktop applications for certain things, I also find myself using web apps for an equal replacement at times.

Your Contacts Are In The Cloud, You Should Be Too

Perhaps you thought that all this time your contacts in your standalone desktop chat client were saved on your computer, and in some local clients that’s the case. However, the majority of the time, they are stored in the cloud with the services you’re connected to – Google, Facebook, etc. So in that sense, you aren’t really tied to any specific client. This means you can go anywhere and be on any computer and still talk to your friends and family.
There are certainly portable applications that allow you to take your favorite IM client with youby using Portable Apps. But in my opinion, that’s a bit more of a hassle. and again, you’re already going to be using the Internet, so you might as well use it for this too.

What About Video Chatting?

You might be thinking “but I use Skype all the time! How am I supposed to use that online?” Well, you might not realize this, but Facebook and Skype are best friends, and you can video chat on Facebook, through Skype. There’s really no need for Skype to be installed on your computer.

Skype isn’t the only player in video chatting anymore though, and they certainly knew this and jumped to partner with Facebook to help fill the gap that the mighty Google has shown a lot of success in. You may have heard about Google+ Hangouts. Have you tried them? If not, you should – it’s quite nice. And as an added bonus it works directly within Google Chat in Gmail.
If you want even more convincing, check out Tina’s article 5 Reasons Google Hangouts Are Cooler Than Skype For Video Chats.

The Web Chat Client Alternatives

We’ve already touched upon Facebook Chat and Google Chat, which are the two primary services you’ll likely be using the most. However, if you’re an (Hotmail) user, you can also connect your Facebook account to that account while still staying in touch with your native Windows contacts.
Note that Yahoo can also sync to Facebook and allow you to talk with Yahoo and Facebook contacts simultaneously from your Yahoo Mail page. I haven’t been really impressed with the chat features though and it seems quite cumbersome to use compared to other online chat clients.
But what about outside of the “standard” services that we use though? Well, perhaps you’ve heard of Meebo. That’s a pretty popular one and… oh, what? Google bought it?

Well, so much for that then. Thankfully though, Meebo isn’t the only option. There are quite a few alternatives, but my overall favorite is certainly isn’t the only web chat client – Craig covered some new similar sites like Instan-t Express Web IM and ILoveIM. Another great service that seems fairly new is IM+. There are quite a few others available too like WeBuzz.IM, Nimbuzz and older ones like eBuddy. has been around a while too, and it is evident that it is continuing development and constantly adding new features. One feature that makes it stand out is the ability to send short audio clips of what you want to say. Not only can you send audio clips though, but you can also place calls to any service. This is the only web chat client which can do this, that I know of.
It also can connect to Skype, which is very rare. IM+ can also do this, but it can’t place calls, which is a big shortfall when it comes to communicating with Skype contacts.

Below is a complete list of the best web chat clients, the ones in bold being the ones I recommend.

Websites Aside, There Are Also Extensions

Something we often don’t think of in this area is the simple browser extension which can replace a full-fledged desktop chat client. This slightly depends on your browser though. In doing some quick research I found that there are many more chat clients available for Chrome than Firefox. There were a few Firefox add-ons, but nothing close to the quantity and quality in the Chrome Web Store.
Below are some Chrome extensions that I’d recommend:

Final Thoughts

There are quite a few options to chat online, but amongst a lot of the “clutter” there are only a few good ones. Even in the ones I’ve covered in this article, there are some that stand out far greater than others. Through my testing and opinion, these would be again the bolded ones which I listed in the web chat client section.


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