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10 July 2012

How to Transfer Playlist from iPhone to iTunes on Windows or Mac

Are you used to use iTunes as your default mp3 player? And want to share your playlists of your iPhone to iTunes local library? Here we are introducing you simple solution, instead of merging different playlists together you can transfer one from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to iTunes in order to go on with your on-the-go playlist.

How to Transfer Playlist from iPhone to iTunes
  1. Firstly, you need to have your iPhone or any other iDevice connected to your computer and launch iTunes.
  2. Select your iDevice from the “Devices”, located on the left side of the iTunes section.
  3. Click on the device and select the playlist you want to transfer to the iTunes Library.
  4. Right click on the playlist and select “Export”.

  5. Save the Playlist on desktop or anywhere so that you can locate it later on and choose the file format with “XML” format.

  6. Finally, import this XML file format of the playlist to your iTunes local library from the location you recently have saved it.
  7. Restart the iTunes and you are done.

No matter you have windows or Mac OSX, it works with both.


01 July 2012



否则,铁打的身体~ 也受不了如此的日夜操劳噢~
因此,想要熬夜,千万记住 :

1: 不要吃泡面来填饱肚子,以免火气太大,最好尽量以水果、面包、清粥小菜来充饥。

2: 开始熬夜前,来一颗维他命B群营养丸,维他命B能够解除疲劳,增强人体免疫力。

3: 提神饮料,最好以绿茶为主,可以提神,又可以消除体内多余的自由基,

让您神清气爽;但是肠不好的人,最好改喝枸杞子泡热水的茶 ,可以解压,还可以明目呢!

4: 熬夜前千万记得卸妆 ,或是先把脸洗干净,以免厚厚的粉层或油渍,在熬夜的煎熬下长满脸痘痘。

5: 熬夜之后,第二天中午时千万记得打个小盹 。

生理时钟,一般而言熬夜是不容易补救的,补救的原则还是建议您改回原来的睡眠时间 ,


可建议您不论前一晚多晚睡,次日一定同一时间起床(如设定7点起床) ,

白天想睡时不可 卧床大睡 ,仅能趴着小睡如此便能逐渐将入睡时间提早。


00:00~01:00 浅眠期多梦而敏感 ,身体不适者易在此时痛醒 。

01:00~02:00 排毒期此时肝脏为排除毒素而活动旺盛,应让身体进入睡眠状态,让肝脏得以完成代谢废物 。

02:00~03:00 休眠期重症病人最易发病 的时刻,常有患病者在此时死亡,熬夜最好勿超过这个时间。

09:00~11:00 精华期此时为注意力及记忆力最好,且工作与学习的最佳时段 。

12:00~13:00 午休期

14:00~15:00 高峰期是分析力和创造力得以发挥淋漓的极致 时段 !

16:00~17:00 低潮期体力耗弱的阶段,最好补充水果来解馋,避免因饥饿而贪食致肥胖。

17:00~18:00 松散期此时血糖略增,嗅觉与味觉最敏感 ,不妨准备晚膳 来提振精神。

19:00~20:00 暂息期最好能在饭后30分钟去散个步或沐浴 ,放松一下,纾解一日的疲倦困顿。

20:00~22:00 夜修期此为晚上活动的巅峰 时段,建议您善用此时进行商议, 进修等需要思虑周密 的活动 。

23:00~24:00 夜眠期 经过整日忙碌,此时应该放松心情进入梦乡 ,千万别让身体过度负荷 ,那可得不偿失哦!

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